
I am a Certified Alexa Skill Builder

Alexa Skill Builder Certification

I’m Certified!

I am thrilled to announce I am among the first to be a AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder.

 Back in January 2019 Amazon announced the introduction of a certification for AWS Alexa Skill Builders. The exam was in beta, but I figured I would give its a try. It gave me a reason to buckle down and study up while at the same time give me an idea of my current understanding and competency of Alexa development. 

It had been a long time since I had formerly studied for an exam, and because the exam was brand new, the study resources were minimal. I did my best to read up on the various topics related to Alexa development, I went through tutorials, and coded examples. Because of the rapidly changing development platform as well as new functionality that seemed to be released weekly, it was a challenge to try and decide where to focus my time and attention.

Passing certification is a big confirmation that the time and effort I have put into learning Alexa developments has been well spent.

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